A Catfish Skeleton Reminder

I have been away on vaca­tion with the fam. At the Muse­um of Nat­ur­al His­to­ry, I ran into a cat­fish skele­ton, so I had my love­ly bride Heather take a pic­ture, in lieu of break­ing the glass case and com­mit­ting a crime. I'd take a vaca­tion in the South for sure if some­one would take me noodling. I even had take­out cat­fish nuggets for din­ner one night. They were all right.

Sto­ries and more edi­fi­ca­tion­al posts com­ing this week. Here's a trav­el tip for you: don't dri­ve to DC from Boston. Just don't.

This entry was posted in catfish, dc, heather, musuem of natural history, noodling. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to A Catfish Skeleton Reminder

  1. EditorMule says:

    Noth­ing beats noodling on a hot south­ern sum­mer day. Phoebe Kate and I will take you noodling, come on down the ass-end of the Great Dismal.We promise very lit­tle traf­fic, lots of mos­qui­toes, great food, and more humid­i­ty than you can shake a stick at…

  2. Susan at Stony River says:

    Love that hat/shorts com­bo; great fish too​.My fam­i­ly used to live in Mary­land; my sis­ter lived near Boston. Every four or five years we'd make that trip to go see her.I loved my sis­ter, but you're right: it's a DON'T.

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