Still Journal's Contest Deadline Approaching–Enter Now

Good luck to those of you who qual­i­fy to enter. Judges include Ann Pan­cake, Mau­rice Man­ning, and Janisse Ray. Be sure to vis­it the site and fol­low the guidelines.

Con­test Guidelines

Still: The Jour­nal announces the first annu­al Still Writ­ing Con­tests in Fic­tion, Poet­ry, and Non­fic­tion.  Con­test entries should fol­low our nor­mal sub­mis­sion guide­lines, which state that “we want to fea­ture writ­ing that exem­pli­fies the Moun­tain South or that is writ­ten by an author with an estab­lished con­nec­tion to the region.”


Sub­mit­ted entries must be unpub­lished. 

Simul­ta­ne­ous entries are accept­ed as long as you let us know if your sub­mis­sions will be pub­lished else­where before the con­test ends.  

The con­test read­ing fee is $8 PER ENTRY, payable to Still’s Pay­Pal account, which you can access below.  An entry is defined as one short sto­ry, or one non­fic­tion piece, or one poem.  You may sub­mit mul­ti­ple sub­mis­sions in mul­ti­ple gen­res, as long as you pay a sep­a­rate entry fee for each sub­mis­sion. Con­test entry fees can­not be refund­ed under any cir­cum­stances. 

Man­u­scripts should be typed in a stan­dard 12-point font (Times New Roman is pre­ferred) and should have num­bered pages.  Prose must be dou­ble spaced.  Poet­ry must be sin­gle spaced. Prose entries must not exceed 6,500 words. Poet­ry entries should not exceed 100 lines.

Make sure that your name or any oth­er iden­ti­fy­ing infor­ma­tion does not appear any­where on the man­u­script entries.

Dead­line for email post­mark is 12:00 a.m., August 15, 2010. Any entry that is not sent on or before that date will not be processed and entry fees will not be returned.  

Win­ners will be noti­fied by Sep­tem­ber 15, 2010. Win­ning entries will be announced pub­licly in the 4: Fall 2010 issue of Still: The Jour­nal.


$100 for win­ners of fic­tion, poet­ry, and non­fic­tion, and pub­li­ca­tion in Still: The Jour­nal, 4: Fall 2010. All oth­er con­test entrants will be con­sid­ered for pos­si­ble publication.


We pre­fer elec­tron­ic sub­mis­sions and fee pay­ment. Sub­mis­sions should be saved as a word doc­u­ment, rich text file or plain text file only (doc, docx, rtf, or txt ONLY) and attached to an email.  Mul­ti­ple sub­mis­sions must be sent sep­a­rate­ly (in oth­er words, if you are sub­mit­ting a short sto­ry, an essay, and three poems, for instance, you would have five dif­fer­ent elec­tron­ic sub­mis­sions and five dif­fer­ent entry fees). The sub­ject line for each entry should include “Still Con­test” and the cat­e­go­ry; for exam­ple: Still Con­test Fic­tion, StillCon­test Poet­ry, or Still Con­test Non­fic­tion.  Include with each entry a title page which con­tains this information:

    • Title of entry
    • Cat­e­go­ry list­ed in paren­the­ses next to title
    • Name
    • Mail­ing address
    • Tele­phone number
    • Email address

Please do NOT include your name or any oth­er iden­ti­fy­ing infor­ma­tion on the con­test man­u­script. Please num­ber all pages.

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