Hi all. Zvi Sesling wrote a short review of Jesus in the Ghost Room over on Doug Holder's Boston Area Small Press and Poetry Scene. I'm pleased to say he found it worth reading, and I hope you do too.
If you're still on the fence about it after Zvi's word, here's what Bill Soldan had to say about it in a recent Amazon review:
As Barnes grapples with what it’s like to be an individual, to feel lonely in a world of difference and contention and uncertainty, to reconcile one’s roots to one’s present circumstance, and to process the imminent death of our loved ones, among other universal crises of the heart, he leaves in each honed line a piece of himself, and we’re damn lucky to have him.
You can purchase a copy through Nixes Mate Books, via Amazon, or your local indie bookseller. In other poetry news, I'll have a rhyming poem coming up in the Five-Two, your weekly dose of crime poetry, and I'll blast the link on social media when the time comes.
My recent Kraj novel has shuffled off its mortal coil. I just can't do the sections set in the past justice to my satisfaction, nor afford to travel to Croatia to research further, and I'm not even entirely sure it's my story to tell anymore. I've written a lot of Kraj stories set in the present, but writing the events of his formative years, during the very complex wars in the region, despite all my research, is beyond my capability right now. It may not always be so. I'm still reading about the time period, still seeking out other novels, all in all still very much interested. But the writing has ground to a not unwelcome halt. I bitched on Facebook about it already, so no need to commiserate; besides, I've another novel in progress already, it's just too early to talk about it.
Having said that, I'm concentrating on poetry for the time being, drafting three or four poems a day and hoping one of them will end up a keeper, and researching new markets for the stuff. I also have some short stories in the works, and another one available in the recent Switchblade. If dark and nasty trips your trigger, this one may be for you. As one Amazon reviewer put it, "Rusty Barnes nailed it with an unexpected tale of bad guys who did badder things–things I couldn't believe. And the skank in that story…wow." You can find Switchblade Sixx on Amazon in print or Kindle form.