High, West and Crooked

That's how I feel right now after try­ing to man­age my time in the last few days since I found out my chap­book Broke was going to be pub­lished (and quick­ly) by Didi Menen­dez and MiPoe­sias, the same folks that brought you Red­neck Poems. That great news, com­bined with the home sit­u­a­tion in which my wife is work­ing ever more hours as the B&N gears up for Christ­mas, and the kids need­ing what kids need, like, uh, food, home­work, inter­est­ing things to play with, and not so much TV, has giv­en me a pain I'm just now wend­ing my way out of. Hav­ing two books to pro­mote at the same time is not ide­al, but I'm not bitch­ing, either. I am cap­i­tal G grate­ful to Didi Menen­dez for see­ing fit to pub this chap­book. And in keep­ing with this, I've added a page for Broke to my bio here, and have all the links there for pur­chase and/or download.

Stay tuned here as well. New con­tent (not mine) by the end of the day. In the mean­time here's how you can order or down­load Broke:

To get a print edi­tion of Broke, please see mag​cloud​.com:


To get the Kin­dle edi­tion see ama​zon​.com:

http://​www​.ama​zon​.com/​d​p​/​0​0​5​Y​D​V​X3G (link not yet live)

To get the Epub ver­sion see bn​.com

(link not yet live)

To get the free (!) edi­tions, visit:





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2 Responses to High, West and Crooked

  1. Rusty says:

    Thanks. The last two links, from Issuu and Scribd, have the entire book online for free.

  2. Good for you. I am try­ing to find on your bio an excerpt from this book, and can't. Help!

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