Six Seconds, poem by Mike Lafontaine

what do you have to say for
you say nothing
what can you say
words will either
save your relationship
or doom it
but silence
is key
you say nothing
do you have
some­thing to say
to me
you don’t
you feel nothing
more than nothing
you feel ill
you feel like a child
want­i­ng to be left
not interrogated
you say nothing

I hate you
she says
you look at her
you smile inside
you have been
giv­en an out
do you take it
will she haunt you
or could you be
with­out her
that’s the choice
you have and you have
exact­ly six sec­onds to
make it.

Mike Lafontaine has lived in the Unit­ed King­dom, Cana­da and the Unit­ed States. He has had a lot of crap­py jobs and some good ones; he seems to attract women with men­tal prob­lems. He has loved and lost; lost hope and regained it. He earned a (BA) Bach­e­lor of Arts in Dra­ma, Writ­ing and Per­for­mance and then a (MA) Mas­ters Degree in Cre­ative Writ­ing from Mac­quar­ie Uni­ver­si­ty. He cur­rent­ly lives in Syd­ney, Aus­tralia with his girl­friend and their dog Lloyd.

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