Flight, by Mitchell Grabois


Once you have tast­ed flight, said Leonardo

you will for­ev­er walk with your eyes

turned sky­ward


and when you are four­teen and ini­ti­at­ed into sex

by a thir­ty-two year old woman

who lives in your par­ents’ hip­pie commune

you will for­ev­er look to the aged for 



You will sur­vey the wrin­kles and age spots of women

with a par­tic­u­lar greed

You will know that their old men are dying off 

like flies

They can see the lust in your eyes


They long to be touched 

to be taken

They want to tell you about their maladies

their bod­ies, their trau­mas, their children

but you will have none of it


Be Here Now, you tell them

with a cer­tain cynicism 

a dose of sarcasm 


You will try to assess 

from a distance 

how much tightness 

remains in their vaginas

before you’ve even said hello


graboisM. Krochmal­nik Grabois’ poems have appeared in hun­dreds of lit­er­ary mag­a­zines in the U.S. and abroad. He is a reg­u­lar con­trib­u­tor to The Prague Revue, and has been nom­i­nat­ed for the Push­cart Prize, most recent­ly for his sto­ry “Pur­ple Heart” pub­lished in The Exam­ined Life in 2012, and for his poem. “Birds,” pub­lished in The Blue Hour, 2013. His nov­el, Two-Head­ed Dog, based on his work as a clin­i­cal psy­chol­o­gist in a state hos­pi­tal, is avail­able for 99 cents from Kin­dle and Nook, or as a print edi­tion.

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