

"Knuck­le­drag­ger is fast and hard as a punch you remem­ber for the rest of your life.The prose bursts with rough-hewn power,the pace is blistering,and the char­ac­ters will break your heart. You couldn't ask for a bet­ter slice of mod­ern noir."

—Nick Kolakows­ki, author of A Bru­tal Bunch of Heart­bro­ken Saps

"Knuck­le­drag­ger is pulpy as hell, and with a plot as sick and twist­ed as a street pimp. As an enforcer for a local scum­bag, Can­dy gets his share of bit­ter. Espe­cial­ly when the wrong girl gets sweet on him. When you find your­self on the wrong end of a beat­ing, some­times there's noth­ing to do but run. But remem­be, the scum­bags are always right behind you. Good thing Can­dy and his girl have guns. And guts. Too bad they can't run fast enough. Or far enough. A slick crime sto­ry that starts on Boston's North Shore, and even­tu­al­ly leads us down the rab­bit hole and through the look­ing glass."

—Matt Phillips, author of Three Kinds of Fool, Red­bone, and Bad Luck City

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