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- X23Eping on Hangin’ Out at the Git and Go, poetry by Jason Ryberg
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- Jim J Wilsky on Everything is Relative, fiction by Michael Bracken
- LINDA MCQUARRIE-BOWERMAN on Two Poems, by Matthew Borczon
Category Archives: links
Writers Who Deserve More Attention I: Tim McLaurin
I mean, besides all of them. 🙂 I'd like to creÂate a wareÂhouse of links occaÂsionÂalÂly, refÂerÂencÂing writÂers who may or may not be on your list of popÂuÂlar or well-enough-known writÂers, along with some small comÂmenÂtary. When I do these, they'll … ConÂtinÂue readÂing
Posted in harry crews, links, tim mclaurin