On Broad Sound


"Under this cel­e­brat­ed poet's intense micro­scope, with pre­cise, star­tling, spike-like lan­guage, ener­gized poems but­ter­fly upstream against the cur­rent of self-dep­re­cat­ing humor or float in the Atlantic on a big fat exis­ten­tial dough­nut. Rusty Barnes isn't afraid to jump into rag­ing flood­wa­ters, slam­ming into bro­ken dams of mem­o­ry to dis­play his vivid wounds & scars."

—Ron Andro­la, author of Con­flu­ence

"The poems in Rusty Barnes' On Broad Sound reflect on fam­i­ly, place, and the sens­es. They offer a true feel­ing of lone­li­ness that I think we all go through, filled with the author's own fears and per­son­al his­to­ry. I've often said that we are liv­ing through a very lone­ly time, iso­lat­ed by our own tech­nol­o­gy, shield­ed from our hearts by the regrets of past gen­er­a­tions. These poems aren't afraid to be alone, to wash them­selves in a very sin­cere sadness–mixed with years of steady craft, as cool as an ocean breeze com­ing off the water. What they offer is anoth­er voice in the room and some­times that's all you need to make it through the night. Rusty Barnes is right there with you, he has been all along and his words feel like home."

—John Dorsey, author of Appalachi­an Frankenstein

"Wel­come to Rusty Barnes' Revere, a sea­side city on the out­er bounds of Boston. In On Broad Sound, we're whisked through the Spring­steen-like back­streets; through the bak­eries and beach fronts; through Shirley Street and city hall and invit­ed to pull up a stool at The Ship­wreck Bar. And our guide is a big "bear" of a fam­i­ly man, one whose big heart "breeds [love] in the open spaces of [his] being."

—Nathan Graziano, author of Hang­over Break­fasts and My Next Bad Deci­sion.

Vis­it Ama­zon to pur­chase On Broad Sound.