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- X23Eping on Hangin’ Out at the Git and Go, poetry by Jason Ryberg
- John A Jancewicz on The Hills are Alive, essay by Anna Lea Jancewicz
- JBird on Tin Pedals, fiction by Lucas Flatt
- Jim J Wilsky on Everything is Relative, fiction by Michael Bracken
- LINDA MCQUARRIE-BOWERMAN on Two Poems, by Matthew Borczon
Tag Archives: kraj
Hello Again
I promised to post more during this period of time, but…stuff got away from me. On the publishing news front, I've managed to place poems in four journals over these last few months, Plumb, Ginosko, BEAT to a PULP amd … Continue reading
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Tagged beat to a pulp, frigg, ginosko, goliad review, kraj, mystery tribune, plumb
Personal and Publication Updates
Hi all. I usually don't post much personal stuff here except book announcements and the like. There's been so much going on lately, though, I feel as if I should post something. I've taken time off from new stuff only … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged hitman, kraj, personal and publlication updates, the last danger