I need to figure out whether or not to go forward with the Redneck Press White Trash anthology coedited with Timothy Gager. I'm feeling increasingly guilty about asking my fellow writers for stories and poems without proper compensation. It's one thing to publish online with no compensation for FCAC, another to do a print anthology. It just doesn't feel right anymore. I need to figure these things out, so I'm posting this and inviting comments.
At the same time, I'm looking for an editor to take over the day-to-day publishing details at FCAC so I'm freed up for a new project. I'd prefer someone with deep rural and/or Appalachian roots to take over. The job is easy, but time-consuming, at least an hour a day most weeks. Any potential editor would need to be intimately familiar with WordPress and Submittable or ready to learn quickly, posting new content every three-four days all year long, and of course, reading submissions. I'm happy to host the site and continue to pay the bills, but it's not a paying editorial gig. If you're interested, mail me at rusty.barnes@gmail.com. If I don't find anyone, I'll shut FCAC down as regards new content and simply archive the site.
If you have ideas about any of this, please let me know here or via email. Thanks.