Category Archives: Uncategorized

Her Hotel, fiction by Timothy Gager

She bought a hotel, on the ocean, because God told her to. For this, she need­ed help, so she turned to God, and gofundme​.com to raise ten mil­lion dol­lars for the pur­chase. She dec­o­rat­ed her hotel with stars and starfish, … Con­tin­ue read­ing

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Fist Fight at Applebees, fiction by Dan Leach

I missed the begin­ning, but we know how it hap­pens. Either the old man with the lazy eye said the wrong thing to the young man with the neck tat­too, or the oth­er way around. I was there for the … Con­tin­ue read­ing

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Everything is Relative, fiction by Michael Bracken

Use my bed,” Zel­da said. “I want to sleep in the wet spot.” Alexan­dria stared at her younger sis­ter for a moment and then grabbed my hand and led me upstairs to Zelda’s bed­room, where she attend­ed to my needs with … Con­tin­ue read­ing

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FCAC reopened for YOUR submissions!

Yes, after a lengthy hia­tus, FCAC will be post­ing con­tent of inter­est from all cor­ners of the rur­al hard boiled land­scape again . Nev­er fear for my oth­er projects, Tough and LNP will con­tin­ue apace; I just need the burst-wide … Con­tin­ue read­ing

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Hello People!

Tonight I was a force of nature. 1336 words in 1:15. First night like that in ages. I also had enough ener­gy to clean out my cub­by­hole of poet­ry. I dis­cov­ered I can drink black cof­fee and be con­scious for … Con­tin­ue read­ing

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News of the Land

So yeah. About that nov­el. As many of mine do, this one topped out at 56K. I have not been able to hit the mag­i­cal 80K-and-read­­i­­ly-agentable mark in some time, so it's like­ly, with edits and addi­tions I have yet … Con­tin­ue read­ing

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Tonight felt sat­is­fac­to­ry. It wasn't a big fat adren­a­line dump like last night's writ­ing, but it went well. I could have writ­ten more, but I didn't want to leave it all in the page and flat-out exhaust myself either. A … Con­tin­ue read­ing

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On nights like this, there isn't much to say. Heather had half the day off so after mend­ing fences from last night in the ear­li­er part of her shift and because of being on the phone near-con­s­tan­t­­ly in our new … Con­tin­ue read­ing

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Not a good night. Rough on the fam­i­ly, rough on me with John Prine dying, just pan­dem­ic close­ness rub­bing every­body, well me, the wrong way. I didn't, couldn't write last night, and I'm in a shit­ty mood, so I'm count­ing … Con­tin­ue read­ing

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Tonight was a come­down. I had lots of time over the week­end and took advan­tage of it, and tonight–not so much. Heather and the kids are sewing masks for fam­i­ly and friends so there are duel­ing sewing machines on either … Con­tin­ue read­ing

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