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Tag Archives: poem
Y’all Qaeda, poem by Marcus Bales
They don't believe in women's rights Or science data; Breakfast prayers provide their heights Of thought, but only for the whites, They see themselves as southern knights Who've got the Feds dead in their sights, … Continue reading
Coffee, poem by Rebecca Schumejda
One of the only mainstays on Broadway is Burger King, where I get my morning coffee. Somehow the manager, Tony, always sneaks in the exact number of days he has left until retirement. Sometimes the weather is unbearably hot or wickedly cold, or his … Continue reading
Kentucky Sonnet, poem by Chris Prewitt
Down past the moonlit bell tower Down past the road that ends at a mountain I come to know my body prepared to lose everything Father if I wore your blue suit to your funeral I don’t remember I met strange women … Continue reading
Not Quite Glengarry, poem by Jeanetta Calhoun Mish
At 8am, my friend dropped me off in front of a nondescript yellowish strip-mall building at the crumbled edge of Little Rock; the parking lot mostly empty. People with personable voices needed. No experience necessary. Apply today. I was trying to go … Continue reading
what i did in the war, poem by Matt Borczon
its hard to explain to civilians that my gun was locked up in an iso container for the whole time I was in Afghanistan that I did not fight this war I worked in a hospital at the craziest point of the war but no I did not fight the war I watched it from the distance … Continue reading
By September, poem by Wendy Carlisle
I’m ready for the casual kindness of fall, ready to work the angles of chill, to close the deal on the first hard frost and wave farewell to the sanguinivors that burrow in- to the skin under my elastic straps and feed on … Continue reading
The Professor and the Rodeo Queen, poem by William Ogden Haynes
College students excel at excuses and before I met the Rattlesnake Queen I thought I had heard them all. She said she would have to miss my class for two days to make some appearances in South Alabama. When I asked what … Continue reading
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Tagged poem, the professor and the rodeo queen, william ogden haynes
Hounds, poem by Jessica Wiseman Lawrence
Hounds Hound dogs run off. It’s a scientific fact that they can physically close their ears to the humans who love them and shout “Come back here!” as the dogs go chasing something small and quick and run a trail. They get lost. They … Continue reading
The Mad Farmer's Wife Delivers the Foal, poem by Rita Quillen
It is the turning I most remember: Just another ordinary day I woke and looked out the window. The mare stood with the colt half out of her, Membrane still completely intact. I ran like a warrior, butcher knife in hand Stabbed into … Continue reading
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Tagged poem, rita quillen, the mad farmer's wife delivers the foal
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