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Tag Archives: poem
Triadelphia, WV, poem by Jay Sizemore
The hotel room seems damp— cold as the West Virginia sky, a certain kind of humidity left behind in the empty space that light can never fill and that only the nostrils can interpret as moisture in the atmosphere of green carpet and comforters. … Continue reading
Roulette, poem by M.S. Lyle
You move around the house, a cord attached to that spot on your back that no matter how hard you try to reach, you cannot reach. At the other end, the chamber. And you are so small; you heard the doctor say … Continue reading
Frogball, poem by CL Bledsoe
We couldn’t afford bats so we scavenged, broken lengths of PVC pipes, crooked sticks, hands, if that’s all we had. Likewise, instead of baseballs we used pinecones, dried cow pies, rocks. One kid started catching frogs and smacking them into … Continue reading
not getting served at the subway inn, poetry by John Grochalski
not getting served at the subway inn ten minutes before this we were still in the hospital room watching my mother-in-law wrestle with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich just something, the nurse told her to get in her stomach to take away … Continue reading
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Matt, poem by John Dorsey
played the piano read bukowski to prostitutes while sipping steel reserve and chewing on pain pills as if he was doing community outreach at night he would talk about jazz, art history and how he once had sex with his sister to make his … Continue reading
Joplin, poem by Michael Thompson
Once the war ended, there wasn’t anything else to do except play the horses and hoist a few pints at Tinhorn Flats where the sticky surface of no-pest strips hanging behind the bar are caked with flies Waiting on long shot lives to come in, those who take … Continue reading
Tipping the Jug*, poem by GC Smith
Rednecks and blackmen old buddies and friends will stand now together with a clay jug of corn they'll drink to their health and comfort each other with lies and comfort each other with lies They'll talk of their dogs and the ducks that they've … Continue reading
Uncles Charlie Loves You, poem by Misty Skaggs
I remember tired, washed-out women warning us young’uns with his name — “Uncle Charlie’s gonna come, gonna come all the way out here and get you." I remember we believed it. I remember the good ol’ boys rounding up a posse fueled by boredom and Pabst Blue Ribbon … Continue reading
Squeaky Wheel Gets the Nitrous Oxide, poem by Dennis Mahagin
Carry on, wisdom, as if eye teeth depended, floss, floss, don't let them fit you for insane. Lips make a purse, spit out the Jolly Rancher, get on your bike again. Rotten molars, a hail of bullets. My hygienist is buying an assault … Continue reading
Harry Crews' Unfinished Novel, poem by Dale Wisely
Harry realized then that the book was so intimate that all he could do was mark his place with a thumb, close the manuscript, look out the window, and try not to cry because, he said, it’s so damn close to the … Continue reading