New Fiction from Nathan Graziano

Not for Vegetarians


I had nev­er killed any­thing oth­er than bugs, and I told Jay, who laughed and put me in a head­lock. “You need to go duck hunt­ing with me tomor­row after­noon,” he said, and it wasn’t a suggestion.

So the next after­noon, we shoved off the lake shore in Jay’s old alu­minum row­boat. We had a cool­er full of beer, Jay’s twelve-gauge, and half a joint. We rowed out to the cen­ter of the lake, the White Moun­tains sur­round­ing us like old­er broth­ers, and cracked a beer, wait­ing for the ducks to arrive. An hour or so lat­er, a flock of gray ducks touched down about fifty yards from us. Jay pressed his fin­ger to his lips and picked up the shotgun.

When I used to pic­ture ducks being shot, I imag­ined they’d be shot out of the sky and fall like they do in video games, but this duck was still in the water, stu­pid­ly look­ing around. The gun fired, and the duck was shot, its wings fly­ing up, and it start­ed to fly away, but then dropped like dumb­bell into the water.

Jay and I began to pad­dle over.

But the duck was not dead. In the water, it start­ed flop­ping around, and when we got close enough, Jay whacked in the head with the pad­dle. But still its body kept mov­ing. So Jay pad­dled us over beside the duck, reached in the water, and picked up the duck by its neck. In one swift motion, he snapped its neck.

Dead now,” Jay said and threw it in the boat with us. We decid­ed to smoke the half-joint.


Jay fil­let­ed the duck, and Jess cleaned the meat and cooked it in a fry­ing pan. Sun-burned, we sat down to din­ner: the duck with gar­lic mashed pota­toes and creamed corn. When I looked down at my plate, press­ing my knife into the oily breast, I began to relive the duck’s death, frame-by-frame, and bolt­ed from the table. I threw open the front door and vom­it­ed on the side of the lake house.

Nathan Graziano lives in Man­ches­ter, New Hamp­shire with his wife and two chil­dren. . He is the author of After the Hon­ey­moon (sun­ny­out­side, 2009), Teach­ing Metaphors (sun­ny­out­side, 2007), Not So Pro­found (Green Bean Press, 2004), Frost­bite (GBP, 2002) and sev­en chap­books of poet­ry and fic­tion.  His work has appeared in Rat­tle, Night Train, Freight Sto­ries, The Coe Review, The Owen Wis­ter Review, and others.A high school Eng­lish teacher, he holds an MFA in fic­tion writ­ing from The Uni­ver­si­ty of New Hamp­shire For more infor­ma­tion, vis­it his web­site: www​.nathangraziano​.com.

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New Poem from Mather Schneider


You're a sev­en­teen year old coun­try boy
and your girl­friend tells you
she cheat­ed on you.
Some guy from Pekin felt her up
at a party.
Some big shot city kid, a senior.

But here’s the catch:
he felt her up with his feet,
not his hands.
For some rea­son this seems worse.

The worst part about it is
you can see she's not sorry.

The guy with the feet
is an artist or something.

It eats away at you:
a stranger's dirty toes
on her clean white breasts.

Your jeal­ousy engorges both of you.
Promis­es are administered
between kisses
and pret­ty soon you are in the backyard—
boots plant­ed firm­ly on the ground—
fuck­ing her in the blind spot
between the mobile home

and the Tuff shed.

Math­er Schnei­der is a 40 year old cab dri­ver from Tuc­son, Ari­zona. He is hap­pi­ly mar­ried to a sexy Mex­i­can woman. His poet­ry and prose have appeared in the small press since 1993. He has one full length book out by Inte­ri­or Noise Press called Drought Resis­tant Strain and anoth­er full length com­ing in the spring of 2011 from New York Quar­ter­ly Press.

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New Poem from Shannon Hardwick

Book of Gaigemon, II.

This morning you bought plants to praise
your hands, stirrup leathers incase you decided to hang yourself.

The heat of a body swirls when it enters another. You might go mad

Wanting to resurface the dead, pull their bodies through
ginning ribs, pick their shadow-bones, birth their children.

A deer strangles herself on a wire. Hinges break. Door to Gaigemon opens.

The hunted boy breaks the wings off bees by the red barn.
Can I lick your straps, he says, what are you carrying?

Burrs. Stones. The will to eat both our ears.

Shan­non Eliz­a­beth Hard­wick grad­u­at­ed with her Mas­ters in Fine Arts from Sarah Lawrence Col­lege in 2010. She recent­ly com­plet­ed her first full-length man­u­script of essays and poet­ry and has a chap­book in print. She writes in New York and Texas.

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Rainbows, fiction by Mark Staniforth

Becky watched Ged hook a rain­bow right out the lake and push it clean down his throat, still wrig­gling. Dusk smeared the sky up like fish grease. Ged wiped his mouth with his sleeve and slapped his lips. He laughed: 'it's just the way I like 'em.'

Folk might have fig­ured Ged had anoth­er thing com­ing if he reck­oned tip­ping live fish down his neck that way was a sure-fire way of impress­ing the girls, but that would fig­ur­ing with­out Becky Bright.

Becky took one look at Ged's par­ty piece and the bunch of teen drunks toast­ing his trick by whoop­ing cans of Tar­tan Spe­cial in the lake­side half-light, and saw a one-way tick­et out of Fryup shin­ing deep back out of those wide trout eyes.

Becky would count down the days till the cir­cus rolled back in town each sum­mer and she'd hang out round the back of the big top till the ring­mas­ter came by and she could try to impress him with her lat­est routine.

She'd tried fire clubs and broke-glass walk­ing and the ring­mas­ter had fixed his eyes on her sprout-out chest and told her, 'broke glass walk­ers is ten to the dozen, lady, and most of 'em, well, they'd walk over broke glass just to get a shot.'

The ring­mas­ter would tug his eyes off her front and stomp off to his car­a­van, care­ful to leave the door ajar. Becky just came to reck­on­ing she'd have to work twice as hard to get that shot. So the sec­ond time she saw Ged make a trout dis­ap­pear down his throat she clapped up a fuss with the rest of them and asked him, 'tastes good, huh?'

Ged, seem­ing sur­prised by her inter­est, coiled off, smelling anoth­er of the stitch-up jobs that came with being the kid who always turned up at school smeared up in trout inners.

After all, that Becky Bright, she was no way one of those dim sorts set on father­ing kids to some soon-gone dad­dy, the sorts Ged was maybe hop­ing on reel­ing in him­self with his trout-tip trick.

Ged reck­oned when a girl like Becky with that chest of hers and those tight-back pig-tails start­ed chat­ting you up on its account, well, there was some­thing else fishy going on. But it turned out that Becky Bright's mind was turn­ing over sharp­er than shark's teeth.

'Got­ta go,' said Ged, flick­ing his head back, not meet­ing her smile. He head­ed off deep­er, leav­ing Becky watch­ing him go, her friends to jibe her: 'what'd you want with freak-boy, huh? Imag­ine his fish breath.'

Ged's folks had run the trout farm through three gen­er­a­tions. Ged would be the fourth, pro­vid­ed they could hold off the poach­ers long enough to still make prof­it. Old Artie Blowes had about exhaust­ed him­self on ways to stop them, only end­ed up dig­ging him­self in deep­er each time. Had already been up in court for plant­i­ng air­gun pel­lets in the back­sides of a cou­ple of kids with car­ri­er bags. Ged had took his fair share of revenge beat­ings and what with the fish grease prob­lem he was count­ing down the days till the dai­ly has­sle of legal school­ing was over and he could dip his feet in what was left of the trout farm world for real.

First time he'd tore open a trout's inners and fed it in his gob was when Kristy Mor­gan promised him a blow-job for it. Ged had slapped the thing stone dead and fair tossed it down his throat, guts and all. He found out lat­er Kristy Mor­gan nev­er even hung round for his lip-smack bit, let alone the one of her own. She just smacked them togeth­er in cack­les as she head­ed off home. But word got round and Ged reck­oned the best way to get what he was owed was to keep on try­ing with the one thing in his life he knew he could beat all else at.

Becky had wrote off her good grades and took a job on the hook-a-duck stall on the in-town seafront fun­fair. She hoped it could help book her tick­et out of there. Since she'd been small it was about all she'd want­ed. She'd been graz­ing her calves on wash­ing-line trapeze acts since she was five years old. Jug­gled fresh-picked apples till they bruised up so bad her father vowed to beat the cir­cus shit out of her. It was all going about as well as an evening on a hook-a-duck stall ever could till the day those damn Thack­er­ay boys rolled up and set their hearts on hook­ing a whole lot more.

Bil­ly and Caleb, they were bad as hell, and that night they'd got it in their fucked-up heads it was time for their younger kid Jake to become a man. They but­tered up Becky well enough to tempt her into tak­ing a ride home with them at the end of the night, and all that got known about what ensued was that the youngest Thack­er­ay start­ed strut­ting round like he owned the place and Becky set her mind on ship­ping her­self and her bruised-up thighs the hell out of Fryup any way she could.


Ged soon came to accept­ing Becky wasn't the type to play some mighty kind of trick on him, but came to think­ing even a trick would be an okay price for his spend­ing some time with her. His reluc­tance came from his fears for the fish grease smell and the way he was always liable to boil his words in a pret­ty girl's com­pa­ny. The first cou­ple of times Becky traipsed up the gorse-pricked lane and charmed off the yap­ping yard dogs, he'd done his best to keep her at bay. Old Artie Blowes was up to his neck in poach­ing prob­lems but even he found time to have fears for his only son, squir­rel­ing away round the back while such a fine spec­i­men was per­sist­ing for his atten­tion on the doorstep.

Ged even­tu­al­ly resist­ed, slid into unstained shirts and made sheep­ish grunts about hik­ing it to the lake-edge where they watched the sur­face foam with fish.

Becky smiled, 'you gonna show me how, huh?'

Ged turned at her sun-tipped pig-tails, said, 'why'd you care?'

She said, 'just do.' She turned, clasped her knees, squint­ed into the shine. She said 'teach me.'

Ged shrugged, turned, flicked his line in the lake. In sec­onds his rod was buck­ing, a sil­ver rain­bow reel­ing in, shiny as dia­monds. Ged leaned out and plucked it off its hook. He held it tight in his fist till it tired. He looked over. She was about drown­ing him in her moss-pool eyes. She said, 'do it.' Ged tipped his head back and held the flap­ping fish over his gob and low­ered it right in, till there was only its tail to see. A cou­ple of burp-gulps and it was gone right down with no trou­ble, bones and guts and all. Becky wore a paste-on smile. She said, 'that rocks!' Ged spilled in the grass and pat­ted his stom­ach. He said, 'I'd be lying if I said it don't gripe.' Becky sat and watched the sun grease down and dreamed of that ticket.


Becky came to turn­ing up at the Blowes' front door beg­ging for more fish-tip lessons. She didn't fig­ure on Ged being over much con­cerned with the way she looked but she'd tramp up in loose skirts and tight spill-out crop-tops all the same. Her first tries were fin­ger­lings she had Ged bite the life from first. Often she'd retch the things right back up. Ged said, 'it's in the gag­ging.' He said, 'you got­ta ride it out.' It took a bare hand­ful of tries till she could hold one down. In a cou­ple of months she was tak­ing down live ones, even built up a knack for giv­ing it a good wait then haul­ing the thing back up, whole and wrig­gling. They'd spark a fire and some­times cook up what they caught. They'd sit round till the smoke wisped into black and she'd tell her cir­cus dreams, tell Ged she was fix­ing a cos­tume to win over the ring­mas­ter, would make her the kind of act to head­line that thing single-handed.

Ged did his teach­ing and nev­er asked for noth­ing else, was just hap­py with the com­pa­ny and the stolen looks when she closed her eyes and threw back her head. Some­times she'd catch him skeg­ging, would smile and play-slap him and some­times press a fish-grease fin­ger to his lips, tell him his own spe­cial show was almost com­ing. When old Artie stum­bled on the cause of Becky's inter­est he wasn't best pleased. The way he saw it, he was los­ing enough rain­bows to the night-time poach­ers with­out his son and some cir­cus freak girl­friend of his gulp­ing down his prof­its. He said, 'them fish­es is mon­ey, and I 'spect you to cough up.'

Ged and Becky came to spend­ing longer time at the lake-side till Becky could swal­low a six-pounder smooth enough, and give it a right good pat on that flat bel­ly of hers before burp­ing the thing right back out. She worked on her cos­tume till the fair rolled back in and the next night she turned up at the lake­side with a plag­gy bag full of glit­ter and said she was ready.

Ged gazed up at the fresh pink sky and had a hope his whole trout-tip trick­ing might be proved worth­while. Thought how he wouldn't swap this chance for noth­ing even if Kristy Mor­gan was to show up with her mouth slopped open offer­ing some­thing she owed. Was stuff­ing his head full of fan­ci­ful dreams when he heard a low groan come from the bushes.

Ged said, 'hear that?'

The groan came again. Becky froze up. Ged coiled ready. Becky said, 'what the hell?'

Ged took a branch and crept for­ward. He hissed, 'some mutt, prob'ly.' He pushed back some boughs and said, 'shit!' Becky peered in over her shoul­der. He felt her warm breath on his neck. She said, 'if it ain't Jake Thackeray.'

The boy flailed on the bank, his face drained, a rust­ed-up trap clasp­ing his soaked red foot. He tried to swing upright, swipe at Ged.  He croaked, 'get this thing off me!'

Then, 'I been here night and day.' He shiv­ered in dew, his blond hair mat­ted out and dark­ed by wet. A plag­gy bag rus­tled just out of reach, filled with dried out rain­bows. He pan­ic-eyed up, raged, 'you're dead for this, Blowes. So dead.' Then he flailed again at his leg. He said, 'my leg. I can't feel it.' White bone glint­ed up. Ged reached in at the trap, made to wrench it. It bit fast. Becky sucked in breath. Jake swung his eyes, set them on Becky, saw how hers tipped with mem­o­ries. Becky peeled her crop-top, ripped a seam, leaned in to tug it tight round Jake's calf. She tugged Ged's shoul­der to have him stop the wrench­ing. She said: 'it's show time.'

Ged watched Becky head in the dark with her plag­gy bag. He wasn't let­ting no-one take away what he reck­oned he'd earned, least of all a Thack­er­ay with a bag-full of his prof­it. He reached for his rod, cast a line. Jake's blond hair flopped with the sweat. He raged at Ged, 'you think you'll get away with this, huh? You think they won't find out?' He said, 'I swear, you help me go and there'll be no-one hears a thing of this. Far as I'll say it, I got tore up on open moor, pulled free. Won't no-one hear. Jesus, I swear it.' He said, 'my broth­ers be her soon. They'll know exact­ly where. Usu­al spot. They'll be wondering.'

Jake's voice croaked out. Ged fixed his eyes on the lake, reeled in a fat eight pounder. Becky swirled out the black in a tight-fit mer­maid suit, grinned, 'ta-dah!' Ged feast­ed how her hand-stitched sequins glint­ed dif­fer­ent blues in the dusk light, how it V‑ed to her bel­ly but­ton, scaled up on her thighs. She struck a joke pose, flicked back her pig-tails. She stood straight and paused, said, 'I ain't got a name yet.' She limbo‑d back and pushed the fish up sky­wards. She grasped its tail and hung it flap­ping over her gob for ten­sion, then dropped the thing in whole. She retched her chest a cou­ple of times, turned to Jake. She said, 'them broth­ers of yours, they done enough to not scare me.' She turned to Ged, said, 'you think maybe top­less?' She heaved the trout back out, held it slime-cov­ered, still wrig­gling. Said, 'tah-dah!' She struck curt­sy pos­es. Jake lay paled up, still. The dusk fad­ed out like stage lights.

Mark Stan­i­forth lives in a small vil­lage in North York­shire, Eng­land. His fic­tion has appeared in Night Train, Aethlon, Eclec­ti­ca and oth­ers. His e‑books of short sto­ries, Fryup­dale and XXXmas Box, are avail­able for free down­load via Smash­words. He is cur­rent­ly at work on his first novel.

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Harry Crews Interviewed

This is from Decem­ber 2008, and I didn't find it until just now. It's a good one, and it's going to be a bad day for me when he even­tu­al­ly kicks down the door to heav­en. It seems like he's wind­ing it up for one last good book.  He's one of two or three writ­ers that have made me, for bet­ter or worse.

Har­ry Crews is one of the most orig­i­nal and impor­tant liv­ing Amer­i­can nov­el­ists there is. He was born the son of share­crop­pers in Geor­gia in 1935. He served as a marine dur­ing the Kore­an War and since then he’s had just about every job a man might have to take in his lifetime—from work­ing in a cig­ar fac­to­ry all the way up (or maybe down) to teach­ing cre­ative writing.

His books are bit­ter­ly fun­ny and expert­ly observed shots of fic­tion tak­en straight out of his own life. He can out­fight, out­fuck, out­write, and out­think any­one from the entire gen­er­a­tion of lit­tle boys that came after him, and he’s still kick­ing today. Har­ry is down there right now in his secret hide­out in Flori­da as you read this, and he’s work­ing away on a new nov­el. He says it might be his last because he’s sick. But we don’t know. There might nev­er have been a human being who com­bines smart and tough as per­fect­ly as Har­ry Crews does, and we wouldn’t be sur­prised if he’s still crank­ing out his amaz­ing books when we’re all old and gray too.

Vice: Hey Har­ry. Is this still a good time to talk?

Har­ry Crews: We’re sup­posed to do this now?

I think we said that I would just give you a try on the phone today and see what happened.

Mor­phine will fuck up what­ev­er mem­o­ry you may have left. I take it every four hours around the god­damned clock. So I know we said Fri­day after­noon but I thought we said one or two and, hell, it’s after three now. It doesn’t mat­ter except, I don’t know if I told you or not, but I’m try­ing to fin­ish one last nov­el. If God will give me this one, I’ll quit. But I didn’t leave it alone. I start­ed work­ing very ear­ly today and—listen, are you sure this is worth your fuck­ing time?

Def­i­nite­ly. I just don’t want to climb up your ass.

You aren’t climb­ing up my ass, man. If you were both­er­ing me I’d tell you. Last time we talked you said some­thing like, “If I were where you are, last thing in the world I’d be wor­ry­ing about was whether or not to give a fuck­ing interview.”

Read the rest at Vice Mag­a­zine.

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Eggs of American Songbirds is Here!

The first chap­book from Red­neck Press, designed bril­liant­ly by Sue Miller:


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Favorite Son, fiction by Jennifer Haigh

(orig­i­nal­ly pub­lished in Vir­ginia Quar­ter­ly Review)

Buck sea­son opened—still does—on the Mon­day after Thanks­giv­ing. In Bak­er­ton it is a hol­i­day of sorts. School was closed for the day, and I report­ed to Keener’s at four a.m. to serve eggs and sausages and count­less cups of cof­fee to men in orange vests and jack­ets. Every table was full despite heavy com­pe­ti­tion from annu­al pan­cake break­fasts at the AmVets, the Elks, and the Moose.

On Open­ing Day the woods rang with rifle shots. Deer were dragged, heft­ed into pick­up trucks. Taxi­dermy shops did brisk busi­ness. Enter­pris­ing free­lancers adver­tised with home­made yard signs: DEER PROCESSED FAST AND CHEAP. The biggest kills were pho­tographed for the Bak­er­ton Her­ald. The fol­low­ing Mon­day its front page ran a jubi­lant head­line: A New Record for Open­ing Week. No one said, and I some­how failed to notice, that it was a ques­tion of sim­ple math­e­mat­ics. In my grand­par­ents’ day, the Bak­er Broth­ers coal com­pa­ny had built hun­dreds of com­pa­ny hous­es, and the mines had employed near­ly every man in town. But that year, when I was a sopho­more in high school, Bak­er Six closed—“mined out,” they said. The Six was Baker’s largest mine, and sud­den­ly nine hun­dred men were cash­ing unem­ploy­ment checks, nine hun­dred men who now had plen­ty of time to hunt deer.

At the cen­ter of the page, just above the fold, was a pho­to of Mitch Stanek in his back­yard. Beside him a mas­sive ten-pointer—a mag­nif­i­cent male specimen—hung upside down from a tree. In the grainy pho­to Mitch was hand­some as a movie actor, his blond hair shag­gy, his cheeks smudged with two-day beard. A woman named Char­lene Dodd had been sent to take his pic­ture, and she had flirt­ed a lit­tle, asked him to take off his vest and cap. Mitch had a cer­tain way of stand­ing, head and shoul­ders back, left fist pressed to his upper thigh. He’d been pho­tographed many times in this stance, for the paper and for his high school year­book, some twen­ty years before.

Back in Mitch’s hey­day, my father had advised the year­book staff. In our base­ment was a full set of the Ban­ner dat­ing to before I was born. As a teenag­er I stud­ied them like lost scrip­tures. I laughed at the out­dat­ed hair­styles, but real­ly I was look­ing for wis­dom, some secret to nav­i­gat­ing a world where I felt mis­placed, ridicu­lous, and shunned. I walked the hall­ways between class­es think­ing about my hair. It was blonde and baby-fine and, despite my best efforts each morn­ing with a curl­ing iron and Aqua-Net, always felt flat by noon. I still wore what was known as a train­ing bra, a gar­ment designed for opti­mists. After three years I saw it for what it was: under­wear for girls whose friends had breasts.

Mitch Stanek’s pho­to was all over his year­book, usu­al­ly in a num­bered jer­sey. As a senior he’d cap­tained teams in foot­ball, bas­ket­ball, and base­ball. For Bak­er­ton it had been a win­ning sea­son. Twen­ty years lat­er, the tro­phies were still on dis­play, fill­ing an entire glass case at school.

He was going to set the world on fire, my moth­er said, look­ing over my shoul­der as I read. Now he’s out of work like every­one else. Mitch Stanek had been her stu­dent in sopho­more Eng­lish, a job she’d left, as female teach­ers used to, when she had her own chil­dren. Now she spent her days nurs­ing my broth­er Ted­dy, who’d been diag­nosed with cys­tic fibro­sis and was in and out of hos­pi­tals. When she spoke of school sports or those who watched or played them, a sour­ness crept into her voice.

My father remem­bered Mitch dif­fer­ent­ly. That kid, now. He was some­thing. He spoke soft­ly, though we were alone in his car and my moth­er couldn’t pos­si­bly have heard. On Sat­ur­day morn­ings Dad gave me dri­ving lessons. The car’s ash­tray was always full, its radio set to the local AM sta­tion, which had broad­cast Bak­er­ton High foot­ball the night before. (On Fri­day nights he vis­it­ed my grand­moth­er in a nurs­ing home two towns over. I imag­ined him kiss­ing her good-bye at five min­utes to eight, just before kick­off time.) He was the sort of father who’d have attend­ed every game and most of the prac­tices, if his own son were able to play.

We sat idling in the high school park­ing lot, Dad lost in mem­o­ry, my dri­ving les­son tem­porar­i­ly forgotten.

Mitch Stanek could have made it. He was the real deal. Best thing ever to come out of Bakerton.

My father was a gen­tle soul and meant noth­ing by it. I didn’t point out that Bak­er­ton had also pro­duced me.

When Mitch was first laid off, he put in his name at Beth Steel, for a job that would also prove expend­able but at the time seemed as sol­id as the stuff the mills turned out. Beth Steel nev­er called, a fact that baf­fled him at first, when bad luck was still new to him. “We’ll wait it out,” he told his wife. Unem­ploy­ment would car­ry them through the sum­mer. At the time he believed what every­one believed: that his old job would return, that Bak­er would break ground on a new mine, big­ger and bet­ter than the Six.

She knew bet­ter. It was Deena, after all, who had to stretch the unem­ploy­ment checks to cov­er the car and boat pay­ments, the mort­gage, every­thing their four boys ate and played with and wore. She’d worked for a time sweep­ing up hair at Ruth Riz­zo Beau­ty. Now, with her new license, she opened her own salon in the base­ment. While Mitch wait­ed for the phone to ring, she worked six days a weeks giv­ing hair­cuts and per­ma­nents, but no hair­dress­er could earn what a min­er had.

By August she’d had enough and sent him away. She got the idea from Cheryl Berks, whose hus­band had found a con­struc­tion job in the Vir­ginia sub­urbs. Lou Berks shared a cheap apart­ment with two oth­er laid-off min­ers, and there was room for a fourth. On week­ends the men piled into somebody’s car and drove the four hours back to Penn­syl­va­nia, where their kids, at least, seemed hap­py to see them again.

A tem­po­rary arrange­ment, Deena had called it, but after a few months Mitch was begin­ning to won­der. He’d sug­gest­ed mov­ing the whole fam­i­ly to Vir­ginia, but his wife seemed not to hear him. Of course, he knew the rea­son. The god­damned house.

So each Fri­day night, exhaust­ed, his back aching, Mitch got behind the wheel and drove back to Bak­er­ton. His truck burned gas at a sick­en­ing rate, but he allowed him­self this one extrav­a­gance. After a week in the crowd­ed apart­ment, he couldn’t face shar­ing a ride with the guys.

It was on one of these visits—the first Sat­ur­day in December—that Mitch got his deer. After­wards he stopped at the Vets for a few beers to celebrate.

How many?” Deena demand­ed when he made his way home.

Five,” Mitch lied: he’d had twice that, but beers cost half what they did in Vir­ginia, so he felt jus­ti­fied. Deena mere­ly frowned.

What­sa mat­ter?” he asked, smelling a fight and ready for it, but Deena didn’t have time to argue. My moth­er was wait­ing in the base­ment, ten min­utes ear­ly for her perm.

Mitch was livid,” my moth­er report­ed lat­er, by phone, to her friend the school nurse. His move to Vir­ginia had revived old gos­sip: that Deena was ready to divorce him, that he’d hit her with a closed hand. It wasn’t hard to pic­ture. Mitch was a big man, Deena so petite she wore shoes from the girls’ depart­ment. Even after four babies she was tiny as a doll. Though no fan of Mitch Stanek, my moth­er called the rumors base­less. True, Deena was once seen with a bruise on her shoul­der, but no one had to wear a sun­dress. No one would, my moth­er main­tained, if she had some­thing shame­ful to hide.

She went to Deena’s every Sat­ur­day after­noon for a wash and set. The beau­ty shop had its own entrance, so she nev­er got a look at the rest of the house, a hand­some split-lev­el on the out­skirts of town. My moth­er admired it, though she allowed that it was big­ger than any fam­i­ly need­ed, with a three-car garage to hold Mitch’s snow­mo­biles and as many bath­rooms as chil­dren. She was not alone in this opin­ion. Most of Bak­er­ton still lived in com­pa­ny hous­es, bought from the mines and dis­guised with porch­es and alu­minum sid­ing, but easy to spot by the famil­iar floor plan, three rooms upstairs and three rooms down.

Mitch thinks we should sell,” Deena con­fessed as she rinsed my mother’s hair at the sink. And sure enough, a few weeks lat­er the house was list­ed in the Her­ald, at a price the town found insult­ing. No buy­er could be found; accord­ing to my moth­er, this was just as Deena had intend­ed. She wasn’t about to lose that house.

She came from poor peo­ple. We all did, I lat­er learned, though at the time I thought we had rich and poor like any oth­er place. Even by local stan­dards the Vances lived mean­ly, in a duplex behind the gas com­pa­ny, a dark street loud with fuel trucks. Deena’s moth­er worked in the dress fac­to­ry, and the Unit­ed Minework­ers sent her a month­ly check from the wid­ows fund. With half as many chil­dren, she might have lived in rea­son­able comfort.

Deena was the old­est of six, a lit­tle beau­ty. As a girl she resem­bled the actress Kim Novak, except that Kim dyed her hair and Deena was a nat­ur­al blonde. She met Mitch in high school when she was just a fresh­man. Mitch was a junior then, busy with his var­i­ous sports. In the sum­mers he worked as a life­guard. At the town swim­ming pool, in pairs or threes, girls in biki­nis approached his chair, kept him com­pa­ny dur­ing his shift. As they spoke Mitch’s eyes wan­dered, alert for swim­mers in dis­tress. He nev­er showed the slight­est inter­est in dat­ing, until Deena Vance.

My moth­er and the school nurse, who fol­lowed stu­dent romances with an inter­est that now seems pecu­liar, shared in the gen­er­al aston­ish­ment when Mitch took Deena to the win­ter ball. “For heaven’s sake,” my moth­er huffed. “Why her?” The Staneks were a sol­id fam­i­ly. Mitch’s father, a past pres­i­dent of the Minework­ers local, was a lec­tor in our church. (Even now, when I read the let­ters of St. Paul, I hear them in Herk Stanek’s gruff voice.) Mitch was that rare thing in Bak­er­ton, a boy with a future. When he played in the state bas­ket­ball cham­pi­onships, scouts had been seen in the stands. In bars and bar­ber­shops, spec­u­la­tion was ram­pant: bas­ket­ball or foot­ball? Penn State or Pitt? The ques­tion wasn’t whether he’d go to col­lege but which one.

At Bak­er­ton High the mat­ter was debat­ed in the fac­ul­ty lounge, in a cloud of cig­a­rette smoke. Like the crowd at a junior high dance, the teach­ers split along gen­der lines, women at the long tables near the win­dow, men stand­ing around the cof­fee machine. They spoke of many things—local affairs, movies, and politics—but were most ani­mat­ed when dis­cussing their stu­dents. The men knew how far Mitch could throw a foot­ball. The women were more inter­est­ed in Deena Vance.

It won’t last,” my moth­er told the school nurse. “He’s got big­ger fish to fry.”

My moth­er was wrong.

Mitch and Deena became insep­a­ra­ble. They walked hand in hand through the school cor­ri­dors. In the sum­mer she rode with him to work. Girls no longer approached the life­guard chair, not with Deena stretched out on a tow­el a few yards away, eyes closed, work­ing on her tan. Every hour Mitch took a break. To emp­ty the pool he blew two long blasts on his whis­tle. He approached Deena’s tow­el and knelt at her feet. She was fif­teen years old, beau­ti­ful and naked but for two bright strips of nylon. Mitch Stanek was a giant fall­en to his knees.

You wait,” my moth­er told the school nurse. “Wait until school starts.”

By school she meant foot­ball. The first home game was the last week­end in August, a sul­try night; the spec­ta­tors wore shorts and tank tops. A few bare chests were paint­ed in the team’s col­ors, black and gold like the Steel­ers’. In that crowd, the two men in suits were as con­spic­u­ous as drag queens. More scouts were spot­ted a week lat­er, and again in Octo­ber. In Novem­ber Mitch made his deci­sion: not Pitt or Penn State, but Flori­da State, a choice that blind­ed the town with its sheer exoticism.

Could Mitch play in hot weather?

And what about poor Deena?

I imag­ine her grim face as they walked the halls of Bak­er­ton High, Mitch stop­ping to receive hearty hand­shakes, the squeals of dis­be­lief and delight. The cat­ti­er girls con­grat­u­lat­ing Deena—You’ll be down there every month to vis­it!— know­ing she couldn’t afford bus fare to Altoona, nev­er mind an air­line ticket.

Flori­da gave Mitch the hero treat­ment, fly­ing his par­ents down to have a look at the cam­pus, pay­ing for their meals and air­fare and Mitch’s new clothes. The Her­ald ran a sto­ry on page 1, with a pic­ture of Mitch in his new jack­et and tie. It was the first time he’d been pho­tographed out of uniform.

He left Bak­er­ton two weeks after grad­u­a­tion, in time for sum­mer train­ing camp. Herk drove him to the air­port in Pitts­burgh, with Deena rid­ing along. Mitch’s sis­ter took a pho­to of his plane tak­ing off; it was print­ed in the next week’s Her­ald. STANEK HEADS SOUTH! Town’s favorite son march­es on.

Fall came. For three months of Sat­ur­days the town was glued to the tele­vi­sion. Mitch sat out two games but—my father would remem­ber it always—threw a touch­down in the third. The ele­men­tary school class­es wrote him let­ters of con­grat­u­la­tion. Then Mitch came home at Thanks­giv­ing and announced he was quit­ting school.

Soon all of Bak­er­ton had heard about the drugs down there, how his room­mate smoked mar­i­jua­na at night while Mitch was sleep­ing, how just breath­ing that smoke made him feel sick and crazy. In bars and bar­ber shops, men debat­ed Mitch’s deci­sion. The young ones called him fool­ish. Their fathers argued that you didn’t mess with drugs.

She’s preg­nant,” my moth­er told the school nurse. “Mark my words.”

Mitch got his union card by Christ­mas, but a full year passed before he and Deena mar­ried. Once again my moth­er was wrong.

I grew up and for­got these sto­ries. I went away to col­lege, and Bak­er­ton reced­ed from my imag­i­na­tion. Like Mitch Stanek, I was a schol­ar­ship case, but I had no inten­tion of wast­ing my chance.

At hol­i­days, at school breaks, I came back to vis­it. Dri­ving down Main Street was like vis­it­ing a beloved aunt in hos­pice, a breath away from the grave. Bak­er Four had closed, and the Eleven would soon fol­low. At Bak­er Nine the men worked three days a week. For Sale signs appeared on lawns, in win­dows, but no one was buy­ing. Fam­i­lies divid­ed, as the Staneks had done. At Bak­er­ton High the class­es were shrink­ing. My father took the ear­ly retire­ment the state offered, thank­ful for his pen­sion, grate­ful to get out while he could.

At col­lege I worked and stud­ied; I came back jad­ed and world­ly from a junior year abroad. After grad­u­a­tion I vis­it­ed less fre­quent­ly. My par­ents aged before my eyes, grad­u­al­ly and then rapid­ly. One year, at Christ­mas, my father was shock­ing­ly gaunt. His dry cough had grown into some­thing more omi­nous. He had suf­fered through a hard month of treat­ment, but the prog­no­sis was clear.

For his ben­e­fit we walked through the old rit­u­als: Bing Cros­by on the stereo, the tree hung with famil­iar orna­ments, a Pop­si­cle-stick angel my broth­er had made before he died. By Christ­mas Eve my father was exhaust­ed, his cough near­ly con­stant. “The Lord will for­give me,” he said. “You two go ahead.” With a creep­ing dread I dressed for mid­night Mass. I had been a col­lege athe­ist; now I lacked even that con­vic­tion. I hadn’t been inside a church since Teddy’s funer­al. Under oth­er cir­cum­stances I would have declined polite­ly, but that year I didn’t have the heart.

The church was crowd­ed, fam­i­lies reunit­ed for the hol­i­day. We squeezed into a pew near the front. I rec­og­nized Mitch and Deena Stanek with their four sons, arranged in order of height, small­est to tallest, like a set of Russ­ian dolls. From behind Mitch still resem­bled a col­lege ath­lete, his thick neck and broad shoul­ders, his blond hair untouched by gray. I’d seen his truck parked behind the church, one of many with Vir­ginia plates. Watch­ing him, I was filled with an old long­ing I’d near­ly for­got­ten: to be Mitch and Deena both, not now but a life­time ago, when they were beguil­ing and rare.

I was think­ing such thoughts when Father Vel­tri swept down the aisle, a stout lit­tle man in white hol­i­day vest­ments. He stopped just ahead of me and leaned in to touch Mitch’s shoul­der, so close that I could smell his aftershave.

Mer­ry Christ­mas, Mitchell,” he whis­pered as they shook hands. “I have a favor to ask.” He hand­ed over a leather-bound book, the page marked with a red rib­bon: Paul’s epis­tle to Titus. I knew it almost by heart.

I’d be grate­ful if you could read this,” said the priest. “In mem­o­ry of your father. Herk would be proud.”

Mitch’s face red­dened. “I’m sor­ry, Father. I’m not much of a pub­lic speaker.”

Come on,” said Deena. “Pop would want you to.”

I said no.” Mitch’s whis­per was harsh­er, some­how, than if he’d shout­ed. Deena looked as strick­en as I felt. Even then, in my sec­u­lar phase, I couldn’t imag­ine say­ing no to a priest.

Father Vel­tri, appar­ent­ly, couldn’t imag­ine hear­ing it. “It isn’t long,” he told Mitch, point­ing to a line on the page. “Come to the lectern after I say the bless­ing. I appre­ci­ate it, Mitchell.” He left the book in Mitch’s hand and swept away in a rus­tle of satin, a plump lit­tle swan.

A moment lat­er the Mass start­ed. The aging choir war­bled the open­ing hymn. With­out a word to Deena, Mitch turned his back to the altar. Stone-faced, in front of God and every­body, he marched out of the church.

I nev­er saw Mitch Stanek again. That spring my father suc­cumbed to lung can­cer, and I went back to Bak­er­ton for the funer­al. The day was warm and spring­like, the snow near­ly melt­ed. I bor­rowed my mother’s car and spent the after­noon on the coun­try roads where I’d first learned to dri­ve. I saw, then, that the Staneks’ house stood emp­ty. They had final­ly moved to Vir­ginia, enrolled their boys in school there. A Cen­tu­ry 21 sign was spiked into the front yard.

That Christ­mas Eve, after church, my moth­er and I had rid­den home in silence. The Mass had droned on for more than hour, but Mitch did not reap­pear. Deena had gone to the lectern in his place, her voice shak­ing a lit­tle on the first words: Dear­ly beloved, the grace of God our sav­ior has appeared to all men.

He can’t read,” I said.

My moth­er kept her eyes on the road. A light snow was falling, and her reflex­es aren’t what they used to be. Dri­ving now requires her full atten­tion, espe­cial­ly after dark.

That’s why he dropped out of col­lege. Drugs had noth­ing to do with it.”

Still she didn’t respond.

You were his teacher.” Sopho­more Eng­lish: The Red Badge of Courage, The Scar­let Let­ter, Bil­ly Budd, books Mitch Stanek had been test­ed on. His com­pre­hen­sion had been judged ade­quate. He’d been giv­en a pass­ing grade.

Final­ly my moth­er spoke.

He had a prob­lem. Some form of dyslex­ia, I believe. It was nev­er diag­nosed.” With great care she braked and sig­naled. “Times were dif­fer­ent then, Rebec­ca. We didn’t know about that sort of thing.”

But he grad­u­at­ed.” You let him, I thought.

It wasn’t right,” she said, “but it seemed best. I ago­nized over it at the time. Now I’m not sure it made any difference.”

I saw her point. With­out a diplo­ma Mitch would have mined coal any­way, been laid off any­way. He’d have lost only those few months in Flori­da, his pic­ture in the paper, the endur­ing leg­end the town still cher­ished. For Bak­er­ton it had been a net gain. For Mitch Stanek, the out­come would have been rough­ly the same.

She pulled the car into the dri­ve­way and cut the head­lights. “Ed doesn’t know,” she said, and I thought of the radio in his old Buick: my father lis­ten­ing to the games in secret, away from my mother’s dis­dain, her caus­tic and some­times mer­ci­less tongue. The local heroes—the Mitch Staneks—had been her favorite tar­gets; but in the end she was not mer­ci­less. She left my father his idols. Maybe she’d want­ed Mitch to win, just like every­one else did.

We sat a long moment in the dark car. The white flakes land­ed like news from heav­en: notes from else­where, fall­en from the stars.

pho­to: Asia Kepka

Jen­nifer Haigh is the author of three nov­els: The Con­di­tion, Bak­er Tow­ers and Mrs. Kim­ble. She has won the PEN/Hemingway Award for debut fic­tion and the PEN/L.L. Win­ship Award for out­stand­ing book by a New Eng­land writer. Her short sto­ries have appeared in The Atlantic, Gran­ta, Ploughshares, The Sat­ur­day Evening Post and many oth­er places. Her fourth nov­el, Faith, will be pub­lished by Harper­Collins in May, 2011.

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EPA's Choice This Week: Crucify Appalachia or Stand Up to Big Coal Lobby

Some things should go with­out say­ing, but they don't.

pho­to cred­it: Chad Stevens

After forty years of reck­less dev­as­ta­tion and crim­i­nal vio­la­tions, the fate of clean water and human rights in the Appalachi­an coal­fields is now in the hands of Lisa Jackson.

Novem­ber 29, 2010

No one in Wash­ing­ton, DC–outside of Pres­i­dent Obama–will deter­mine the future of clean water and health care in the Appalachi­an coal­fields more than EPA admin­is­tra­tor Lisa Jackson.

This Wednes­day, Decem­ber 1st, marks the end of the pub­lic com­ment peri­od over her agency’s pro­posed guide­lines to crack down on the egre­gious and irre­versible impacts of moun­tain­top removal min­ing on fed­er­al­ly pro­tect­ed streams, water­sheds and Appalachi­an communities.

After forty years of reck­less dev­as­ta­tion and crim­i­nal vio­la­tions, after all the shoutin’ is over by Big Coal lob­by­ists and their bankrolled politi­cians, the fate of clean water and human rights in the Appalachi­an coal­fields is now in the hands of Lisa Jackson.

Will the EPA stand up to the Big Coal lob­by and their mis­lead­ing ad cam­paigns, and stand by their own guid­ance rules based on the Clean Water Act and science?


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Poems by Mather Schneider


Mrs. Robin­son had lived
in those Arkansas hills
every one
of her 74 years.
When she was 16
she was fright­ened half to death
by a large,
mys­te­ri­ous ani­mal print
in the sand by the creek.
She had nev­er seen any­thing like it
and ran all the way home
to tell her pa.

she felt

It was noth­ing but a man
wear­ing shoes.


When my par­ents were newlyweds
a black snake stretched across

their grav­el driveway.
My father stepped on the brake
of their brand new Bronco
and he and my moth­er sat there

with their mouths agape like
apples cut open—so young,
the future all raw country.
Both the snake’s head and tail

were swal­lowed in the weeds
and there was a lump
the size of a football
halfway down his body.

My father looked at my mother
and flicked his tongue. 


The dogs’ fur
hid some big mothers
gray as old meat
so fat we whipped them
against the rocks
like cher­ry tomatoes.

When we walked away
the dogs snapped at each other
over the blood.


He sharp­ens his spade daily.
The weeds are whiskered deep
into the chins of the Ozarks.

His shoul­ders razor­back brown;
his wet black bangs tattooed
to his fore­head like the cannon

on his arm. There he stands
so proud with peacock’s tail
of shov­els fanned behind him.

He came to make the land his
own. If sweat­ing was sinning
he’d be the Dev­il himself.

Math­er Schnei­der is a 40 year old cab dri­ver from Tuc­son, Ari­zona. He is hap­pi­ly mar­ried to a sexy Mex­i­can woman. His poet­ry and prose have appeared in the small press since 1993. He has one full length book out by Inte­ri­or Noise Press called Drought Resis­tant Strain and anoth­er full length com­ing in the spring of 2011 from New York Quar­ter­ly Press.

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Two Poems by Lara Konesky

I was kind of think­ing i could kill you and let your ghost fuck me in the ass

i've vir­tu­al­ly seen you around here

com­ment­ing wit­ti­cisms and mak­ing me lol
i was kind of think­ing i could kill you

and let your ghost fuck me in the ass
i was kind of think­ing you could punch me back

i was kind of hop­ing you were free for the afternoon
some­time next year

or tomor­row

i'm going to pre­tend you love me, and that when you blind­fold me and toss me in your trunk

that you haven’t done that shit before.

I'm spe­cial to you.
i can just feel it

i would total­ly let you tit­ty fuck me

when i was in grad school i was nev­er fem­i­nist enough.

i didn't think fuck­ing was rape, and if i found a man i want­ed to fuck long enough and hard
enough i would take his last name

affec­tion is reckless

my dreams are so fond of you. your hands are huge and i want them wrapped around my neck so i have a good excuse as to why i have stopped breathing.

one time i got into an argu­ment with a girl about love.
she want­ed to know how did you know if it was real or a ver­sion of it and i said real­i­ty does not tit­ty fuck you like your last boyfriend and  ask where you want it to cum real­i­ty does not send mes­sages to human authors to record its words real­i­ty is only per­cep­tion and per­cep­tion is always skewed so it might not mat­ter if it is real or a ver­sion of it because no answer sat­is­fies the question

what was the ques­tion again

love is not a very polite house guest, it jerks off in your show­er, and it miss­es the toi­let seat, and it tries to fuck your sis­ter or mother

i like to pre­tend i am not wait­ing for your dick like that moth­er fuck­er who told me i am going to hell is wait­ing for the sec­ond com­ing but i am hang­ing onto the edge of my bed like i have far to fall

that chick was so pissed i said tit­ty fucking

i guess i say this all to say i love you

even human­ism got tired from the lack of magic.

i have nev­er been the great­est feminist

my legs just open when i hear your voice. it's kind of like the nat­ur­al law etch­ing itself into my thighs.

and i would total­ly let you tit­ty fuck me

Lara's first book, Next to Guns, can be found at www​.griev​ousjone​spress​.com (Griev­ous Jones Press, 2009). She recent­ly co-edit­ed and con­tributed to Blood at the Chelsea (Erbac­ce Press 2010), an anthol­o­gy of writ­ers writ­ing for oth­er writ­ers. You can also read Lara's work online and in print at New Aes­thet­ic, Gut­ter Elo­quence, Word Riot, Left Hand Wav­ing and var­i­ous oth­er rad places.
Email: larakonesky@​yahoo.​com

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